Monday, April 2, 2007


female family member flees............high speed chase ensues!

A few weeks ago, my mother, and sister, and daughters began talking about our "women's trip" for 2007. Often, the female members of our family will take a weekend vacation, just the girls, no men allowed! One year, they even insisted that I must not utter my beloved David's name on the trip! We have taken the ferry to Michigan, visited the La Crosse Area, gone to Iowa, etc.

This year we decided that the trip itself was less important than the time spent together, so where did we go? Not far,,,,,We rented Riversbend Cottage, right here in Mayville! Just a few miles for my mom, and both my sisters to drive,,,,, Just across town for me. My daughters, granddaughter and niece drove in from Milwaukee. Eight of us in all.

The cottage sits on the banks of the Rock River, and has three bedrooms, two baths, and just about anything else a guest might want.




We had just settled in when a visitor came to the door, my dad, who was in town having supper at my son's apartment, which is just across the river, I guess Pops missed his women!



Chinese takeout tastes better if you are wearing your jammies.




Then another knock at the door. This time it was Clay. I think he smelled the Chinese food from his apartment!


There were no more surprise guests *(SEE NOTE BELOW), just lots of laughter, stories and general merriment! A good round of thunder and lightning and rain, too.
Getting back to the headline,,,,,,,,,,,,, At bedtime,,,,,,,,,,Eight females, three bedrooms, three people allergic to feathers,,,,,,,,,,,There was a lot of shifting around of rooms when we finally settled down a little after midnight..... I ended up with the couch, a narrow one at that!

Now, I am a woman of considerable girth, it seemed kinda silly to be on a tiny couch when my nice, big bed, complete with husband, was just a few minutes away. So, I decided to make a break for it! My plan included an early morning trip back to the cottage,,,,,,,,,,no one need be the wiser.......I crept out the door quietly.....................only to find my niece in the drive way having a cigarette. I swore her to secrecy, and fled! A few short minutes later I was in my comfy bed,,,,,,, tumbling into dreamland.

Well, there is no such thing as a secret in my family. My smoking niece (pun intended) ( Smoking gun, get it?) told her mother that I had fled, and soon everyone knew of my abscence..................

At exactly 1:12 AM six relatives stormed into my bedroom,,,,,,,flashed on the ceiling light and yelled "BUSTED!" There they were,,,,,circled around my bed, all wearing jammies,,,demanding my return to the sleeepover! My mother stayed back at the cottage. So,,,,,, around 1:15 a caravan of three cars, all containing women in nightclothes, traveled across town, back to the cottage, my car being the last in line. We finally slept.

It was a great time,,,,,,,but I was really tired by Sunday night. So now you all know,,,,,,I come from a long line of women as crazy as me!

*Note .........Added later.......I forgot............there was one more surprise guest,,,,,,,,,My six year old granddaughter lost a tooth around 10pm...............Although no one saw her,,,,,,,,.......the tooth fairy brought a hefty amount of cash while Emili and the others we abducting me from my bed!


Anonymous said...

It was SO fun...thanks for arranging it.
I'm flying back over the ocean tomorrow...see you again in the meantime, please take care of "our Ghennie" for me...
Love you...MB

Anonymous said...

What a great thing to do with female family members. Even tho we know we can't live without the men in our lives, it is fun to leave them behind sometimes. I sure was getting worry when there was No Blog for a few days!!! Thought my favorite writer had quit.


Lynda said...

It sure sounds like you girls had a lovely time together. After this cancer thing with my sister is in the past, I want to do something like this too!!!