Friday, August 15, 2008

Unrelated Thursday photos

These are my friends Lynda and Terri. We are unrelated. We are smiling because we sent away some fleeces to be processed into roving, and they have finally arrived! For you non spinners, that is what all that fluffy stuff in the foreground of the photo is- fiber ready to be spun. The fluffy stuff in the background is Lynda, Terri and me.

Ginger brought in some eggs for all to see.

The crowd at Loose Ends has been following the progress of Ginger's flock of chickens, via a weekly report. The baby chicks arrived by mail at Ginger's house in early spring and now some of them are producing eggs of their own! They grow up so fast, don't they? The eggs are so pretty, it would be hard to crack them if I did not know how good farm fresh eggs taste.

Here is Karen with her scrap afghan. It is simply stunning. All scrap yarn, changing color after every completed row.

A closer look.

1 comment:

Lynda said...

Wonder what that goofy short haired woman is looking at?