Sunday, July 1, 2007

math impaired

Never trust me to do the math. Period.
I understand the concepts.....It's the actual multiplying and dividing that I stink at...........
There is a fair amount of simple math involved in knitting, and in my former profession of nursing,, and quite a lot of math involved in running a business.. I just can't trust myself to do it without a calculator...
So, I use a calculator for almost everything... things that my Mom and Betty and Dave can do in their heads..I rely on the calculator... Except............this once.. 58 divided by 3 IS NOT 17!!
Let me explain:
Right now, knitting is kinda painful for me. My left hand is still complaining whenever I do more than a few stitches. What does my hand get for complaining? Well, rest,................. and surgery scheduled for July 13. Don't complain to me, I will cut you open!
Sock of the month club will go on, pain or not,,, so the only knitting my hand has allowed me has been the sample sock for each month. I am doing the August sample now. The pattern says cast on 58 stitches,,,,,,, hmm,,,,,,,,,, no calculator needed for this........I cast on 17 on each of three needles. Size 0 needles.
I knit the cuff, the lace edged heel flap, turned the heel, taking frequent breaks to let my hand rest...... it is then I discover that I have cast on too few stitches for the pattern to complete the lace pattern on the instep!
Why am I admitting my math inadequacies?
Two reasons:
1. So the new knitters can see that everyone , everyone makes big mistakes and has to rip it out.
2. If for some reason I can't use the cash register at the shop..... you had better count your change carefully........I probably made a mistake.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

SORRY to hear you have to have surgery again....