Thursday, April 16, 2009

the dawn patrol

Getting out of bed before dawn (unless one HAS to) is a sure sign of aging, in my opinion. This being MY blog, the reader gets nothing but my opinion. In my youth, I could work effectively and creatively in the evening hours. A vivid memory of blocking a knitted garment at 1 AM sticks in my mind , of course I was 19 years old at the time. I would rise late in the AM and admire my work from the night before.

Now, I can't seem to get going after 6 PM. Simple tasks are all I can do. Unload the dishwasher, knit plain stockinette, fold laundry.

Today, I was up before dawn, awakened by a disturbing dream that I could not shake. I still don't get much accomplished for the first hour I am awake......except coffee and knitting, but for heaven's sake.... 5 AM, two days in a row? What's up with that? Soon I will be having supper at 4 PM and going to bed right after Jeopardy!

On the knitting front, I finished one sweater

And have 95% finished on anotherAll that bleary eyed, early morning knitting is coming to fruition. Every age has it's benefits.

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