Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Is it fall yet?

Oh, at long last we've had some cooler weather. Fall comes to mind, school shopping, raking leaves, picking apples, all those cliched activities.  It's been many years since I raked a leaf, picked an apple or sent a child off to class, but I still feel that urge to nest....and get ready for the start of a new season..
Really a new year, my internal creative calendar starts with September.  It's the whole wool thing, I think....spinning,sewing knitting,felting, it all really begins in earnest as the weather cools.

So what am I planning for the cooler season? I need to sew some mittens to sell. Dye some handspun.Button jewelry.Get started on some secret Christmas gifts. Freeform embroidery. Make a few Santas.  Finish an afghan.  Collage.  Clean my studio room. (REALLY THAT SHOULD BE FIRST ON THE LIST)  Bind a few journals.  Wash a fleece. Felt some slippers....

But, alas, I just heard the weather and humid tomorrow. hmmmm..

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