Friday, August 20, 2010


Being a basically lazy person, I don't challenge myself often.    Oh, so not seems like every day brings a new challenge, but not often of my own choosing.. Mundane tasks are a challenge for me.  This week I have been doing a lot of mundane tasks, things that must be done. Lots of  useful, utilitatian stuff.
So as a reward, from me to me, I took the time to have some fun and make this little free form sculpture.
The challenge was to create something from the contents of a zip lock sandwich bag that came in a box from the estate sale mentioned in an earlier post...not adding anything except inspiration.   There were some crocheted balls, tassels,wooden buttons, cording, thread and a peculiar ring-type thing with a handle or something.

Limiting the amount of materials is really fun for me...hmmm....let's see what I can do with this........I love having no rules and making objects that are not utilitarian.  I have no use for this bit of sculpture, but Bringing It Forth from a bag of junk makes me happy.


Lynda said...

I love the mono-chromatic color too! wonderful work and so inspiring...

Anonymous said...

Finally you're back, how wonderful!!! I quit checking everyday because no buddy was there. You make my early mornings so much better.
