Monday, November 30, 2009

Okay, it's time to admit it, I have been unfaithful. That's right, I have been absent from this blog, squandering my little computer time with a new and exciting pursuit. Move over blogging, I have been seeing a lot of FACEBOOK lately.

Facebook is so laid back, requiring almost nothing from me, and offers so much in return. Enough said. There is room for both.

Little news to report, no news is usually a good thing.

Here are a few tidbits ......................

Dave returned from deer camp with what i called a "two-pointer", he called it a spike buck. Semantics aside, it sure tastes yummy. We had some loin steaks Saturday that rivaled any beef steak!

The grand kids and their mother all had the H1N1 flu, it was tough, but they are all well now.

My firstborn is returning to Wisconsin tomorrow for a short visit, it will be nice to see her again.

My computer died about a month ago, I am writing this from a new laptop and using Windows7

I like it.

A blog post needs a photo, so i am including a shot of Em and yet another diorama she has made.